How to Ride the Bus and the Railway
How to Ride the Tankai Bus
- Getting on the Bus
Check the bus destination on the display screen on the outside, and get on at the middle door, NOT the front door. - While Riding the Bus
Take a boarding ticket from the ticket dispenser machine near the door - Getting off the Bus:
The next stop will be announced on the intercom. When the bus nears your stop, press the stop button. Please remain seated until the bus comes to a full stop. - How Much is the Fare?
Check the fare display screen near the driver. Match the number on the screen to the number on your boarding ticket to know which fare is yours. Elementary schoolers pay half-price. - Where Do I Pay?
When you get off the bus, put your ticket and fare in the fare box near the front exit. If you need change, there is a change machine near the fare box. - Disembark!
Get off the bus at the front door. Be careful of bicycles and look both ways before disembarking. Please do not rush, and watch your step!
How to Ride the Tantetsu Railway
- Please wait for the train behind the yellow line.
- Get on the train at the back of the first train car.
- Take a boarding ticket from the ticket dispensing machine near the door.
- Please check your fare on the fare display screen next to the driver’s seat.
- When you get off the train, please give your fare and your ticket to the train conductor.
- Please watch your step as you disembark. Thank you for travelling with us!
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