【英語版】国民健康保険税について(National health insurance tax)
国民健康保険とは(What is the National Health Insurance Tax?)
National Health Insurance is a medical insurance system in which members of the National Health Insurance pay insurance taxes and help each other by allocating necessary medical expenses so that they can receive treatment with peace of mind when they are sick or injured.
納税義務者は世帯主です(The taxpayer is the head of the household)
The National Health Insurance tax is levied on the head of household if the family member is enrolled in National Health Insurance, even if the head of household is not enrolled in it.
国民健康保険税の決まり方(How the National Health Insurance tax is determined)
The National Health Insurance tax varies depending on the age of the member.
年齢区分(age category)
40歳未満 Under 40 years old |
医療分 + 支援分 Medical care portion + Support portion |
40歳~64歳 40~64 years old |
医療分 + 支援分 + 介護分 Medical care portion + Support portion + Long-term care portion |
65歳~74歳 65~74 years old |
医療分 + 支援分 Medical care portion + Support portion ※ 介護分は介護保険料として納付 Long-term care is paid as long-term care insurance premiums |
国民健康保険税の計算期間(Calculation period of National Health Insurance tax)
National Health Insurance tax is calculated for each fiscal year (from April to March of the following year).
年度途中で加入・脱退した場合(If you join or withdraw in the middle of the fiscal year)
年度途中で加入した場合 If you join in the middle of the year |
加入した月からの分から国保税がかかります。 National Health Insurance tax will be charged from the month you join. 月割りで計算し納税通知書を郵送します。 Calculate on a monthly basis and mail a tax notice. |
年度途中で脱退した場合 If you withdraw in the middle of the year |
脱退した月の前月までの国民健康保険税がかかります。 National Health Insurance tax will be charged until the month before the month you withdraw. 月割りで計算し納税通知書を郵送します。 Calculate on a monthly basis and mail a tax notice. 納めすぎがある場合は還付します。 If you have paid too much, we will refund it.
国民健康保険税の税率(Tax rate of National Health Insurance tax)
令和6年度国民健康保険税率(2024 National Health Insurance tax rate)
所得割 Income rate |
資産割 Propaty tax rate |
均等割 Number of people rate |
平等割 household rate |
医療分 Medical care portion |
6.54% | 19.10% | 21,200円 | 22,400円 |
支援分 Support portion |
2.20% | 6.40% | 7,200円 | 7,600円 |
介護分 Long-term care portion |
2.10% | 6.50% | 9,600円 | 6,600円 |
所得割 Income rate |
加入者の前年の総所得金額等に応じて計算します。 It is calculated according to the member's total income in the previous year. |
資産割 Propaty tax rate |
加入者の固定資産税額に応じて計算します。 It is calculated according to the member's property tax amount. |
均等割 Number of people rate |
加入者の人数に応じて計算します。 Calculate according to the number of subscribers. |
平等割 household rate |
加入世帯ごとに定額で計算します。 It is a fixed amount for each subscribing household. |
課税限度額(taxable limit)
医療分 Medical care portion |
650,000円 |
支援分 Support portion |
240,000円 |
介護分 Long-term care portion |
170,000円 |
国民健康保険税の納付について(Payment of National Health Insurance tax)
There are two ways to pay National Health Insurance tax: "Ragular collection" (payment slip, bank transfer) and "Special collection" (pension deduction).
普通徴収の場合(For ragular collection)
You will pay the tax in 10 installments from June to March of the following year by using payment slip or bank transfer.
特別徴収の場合(For special collection)
It will be deducted from your pension six times a year.
If all subscriber are between the ages of 65 ~ 74 and meet the following conditions, the National Health Insurance tax will be deducted from the pension.
The householder's annual pension payment amount is 180,000 yen or more.
The total amount of the householder's long-term care insurance premiums and national health insurance tax does not exceed 1/2 of the pension payment amount.
納期限(Deadline for payment)
納期限一覧(List of delivery deadline)
納期/Payment period | 納期限/Deadline for payment |
1期(6月)/1st term(June) | 6月30日/June 30th |
2期(7月)/2st term(July) | 7月31日/July 31th |
3期(8月)/3st term(August) | 8月31日/August 31th |
4期(9月)/4st term(September) | 9月30日/September 30th |
5期(10月)/5st term(October) | 10月31日/October 31th |
6期(11月)/6st term(November) | 11月30日/November 30th |
7期(12月)/7st term(December) | 12月27日/December 27th |
8期(1月)/8st term(January) | 1月31日/January 31th |
9期(2月)/9st term(February) | 2月28日/February 28th |
10期(3月)/10st term(March) | 3月31日/March 31th |
If the due date is a weekend, it will be the next business day.
納付方法(Payment method)
・納付書/Payment slip
Payment at financial institutions, city hall counters, convenience stores
Payment by smartphone app
・口座振替/bank transfer
Please apply at the counter of the financial institution.
軽減・減免制度について(About the reduction/exemption system)
低所得世帯への軽減(reduction for low-income households)
When income in the last year corresponds to the next standard, we reduce Number of people rate and household rate.(Legal reduction)
軽減割合 Reduction rate |
国民健康保険加入者の前年中の合計所得金額 Total income of National Health Insurance subscribers during the previous year |
7割軽減 70% reduction |
43万円 + (10万円×(給与所得者等の数 - 1))以下の世帯 Households with income of 430,000 yen + (100,000 yen x (number of income earners of salary and pension - 1)) or less |
5割軽減 50% reduction |
43万円 + (29.5万円×被保険者数 )+(10万円×(給与所得者等の数 - 1))以下の世帯 Households with income of 430,000 yen + (295,000 yen x number of insured persons) + (100,000 yen x (number of income earners of salary and pension - 1)) or less |
2割軽減 20% reduction |
43万円 + (54.5万円×被保険者数 )+(10万円×(給与所得者等の数 - 1))以下の世帯 Households with income of 430,000 yen + (545,000 yen x number of insured persons) + (100,000 yen x (number of income earners of salary and pension - 1)) or less |
住民税申告はお済ですか?(Please declare your income)
If you have no income and are not dependent on anyone under the tax law, you must file an income declaration for the previous year.
If you do not declare, you cannot receive legal reduction.
If you have not declare your income yet, please consult with the Tax Section (0772-69-0180)
非自発失業者に対する軽減制度(Reduction system for the involuntarily unemployed)
If you have been laid off due to bankruptcy, dismissal or termination of employment, you can apply for a reduction in National Health Insurance tax.
The reduction is calculated by considering the previous year's salary income as 30/100.
対象となる人(Eligible persons)
Persons who receive the following unemployment benefits during the period from the day after the date of separation from employment to the end of the following year
Unemployed workers with specific qualifications(separation from employment due to bankruptcy, dismissal, etc.)
The reason for leaving the job on the employment insurance certificate is 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32.
Unemployed workers with specific reason separation(sSeparation from employment due to termination of employment, etc.)
The reason for leaving the job on the employment insurance certificate is 23,33,34.
申請方法(How to apply)
Please submit the application along with the confirmation documents to the Tax section or City Hall.
確認書類 : 雇用保険受給資格者証
Confirmation document : Employment Insurance Qualified Recipient Certificate
特別な事情による減免制度(Reduction and Exemption system for special circumstances)
If it is difficult to pay the National Health Insurance tax due to damage caused by a disaster or a significant decrease in income due to illness or business slump, you may be able to receive a reduction or exemption from the National Health Insurance tax depend on your situation.Please submit documents proving the reason for the reduction or exemption with your application by the payment deadline.
- この記事に関するお問い合わせ先
市民環境部 税務課
電話番号:0772-69-0180 ファックス:0772-69-0901